Jack Morris
Distributing Work Between Actors
6 Nov 2023

Whilst working on a lightweight SQLite wrapper for Swift, I've had a need to distribute workloads between a pool of actors. Specifically:

Here's a rough outline:

public func read<R: Sendable>(
  _ action: @Sendable (_ connection: isolated Connection) throws -> R
) async throws -> R {
  let readConnection = /* get a connection */
  try await readConnection.transaction(action)

Ideally, I want to choose a Connection that is "free", in the sense that no Task is currently executing on it. Additionally, I need to handle the case where all Connections are occupied, in which case I need to queue up and wait my turn.

A naive solution could be to choose randomly, before await-ing on that Connection.

let readConnections: [Connection] = ...

public func read<R: Sendable>(
  _ action: @Sendable (_ connection: isolated Connection) throws -> R
) async throws -> R {
  let readConnection = readConnections.randomElement()!
  try await readConnection.transaction(action)

This however could result in unnecessary suspensions when there are free Connections waiting to accept work, if you're unlucky enough to randomly choose one that is currently fulfilling a transaction.

Instead, I went down the route of implementing a simple async-aware pool. This allows for free Connections to be returned immediately, whilst queueing requests (through Continuations) if no Connection is currently available.

/// An async-aware element pool.
/// Elements can be fetched with `get()`. If an element is available, it will be returned
/// immediately. If not available, it will be built on demand.
/// If the maximum number of elements have already been built, the caller will suspend until
/// an element is available.
/// Elements must be returned with `return(_ element:)` once they are no longer needed.
actor AsyncPool<Element> {
  init(maxElements: Int, elementBuilder: @escaping @Sendable () throws -> Element) {
    precondition(maxElements > 0)
    self.maxElements = maxElements
    self.elementBuilder = elementBuilder

  /// Retrieves an element from the pool.
  /// Will suspend if an element is not yet available.
  func get() async throws -> Element {
    // Attempt to return an element directly from the pool.
    if let element = elements.popLast() {
      return element

    // Attempt to build a new element, since there are no free elements.
    if builtElements < maxElements {
      let element = try elementBuilder()
      builtElements += 1
      return element

    // Wait for an element to become available.
    return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in

  /// Returns an element to the pool.
  func `return`(_ element: Element) {
    if let nextContinuation = continuationQueue.dequeue() {
      // A task is waiting for this element, so provide it directly.
      nextContinuation.resume(returning: element)
    } else {
      // Return the element back to the pool.

  private let maxElements: Int
  private var builtElements = 0
  private let elementBuilder: () throws -> Element
  private var elements: [Element] = []
  private var continuationQueue = Queue<CheckedContinuation<Element, Never>>()

(Note that Queue is a simple FIFO queue, you could use an Array and just pop elements from the front, if the potential performance implications don't concern you).

The only concerns I have with this approach are:

extension AsyncPool where Element: Sendable {
  func withElement<R: Sendable>(_ action: (Element) async throws -> R) async throws -> R {
    let element = try await get()
    defer { self.return(element) }
    return try await action(element)

It seems to be working pretty well so far, however since I'm still in the early days of properly diving in to Swift concurrency I wouldn't be surprised if there's some gotcha I haven't considered. I'd love to hear from you if so!